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Title: I cannot see my child...

I was watching eye witness reports of Gaza air bombings by a certain State bully on a news broadcast - the Mothers were exclaiming that in the immediate aftermath they could not see their own children - the dust on them, the blood the damage and burns were so thick that they could not recognise their own children even though they cried out ...mama! occurred to me that the Mothers and the Fathers who shot the bombs could not see their own children in the horror they unleash. Nor outrage came along with the glances at the TV by the Mothers and the Fathers in the homes of the forces of revenge or across continents as the news whips past in ever increasing velocity of news cycle.

Perhaps there is no time available or image that stirs up the fists in disgust anymore.

Orders may be given but they do not have to be obeyed.

Oils on canvas




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