Late 2021...
A deep malaise settled in.
From all angles with no respite raising doubts to the
authenticity of who and what I held dearest.
Scrabbling around desperately to locate me.
Nothing was stable and age was physically fraying family and my body.
Doubts about what I was trying to achieve, and the response yet undefined.
Doubting myself.
Overwhelmed by the moment of life I was in and it's stark truths.
Unable to unlock perceptions that had hardened around me.
Not knowing what to do...
So after a bit of a scrap with the evil vultures pecking apart the remnants
of my spirit...
I painted a a painting for a friend, it filled me up a bit for the
surprise and joy it brought.
So I did another couple for a pick me up for some friends down in the moment.
...and another ...
very soon anarchic purpose sparked... 'do lots of them'
Lots and lots for everyone I was around at that time. If I love them or even if i don't.
Had I known the undertaking of well in excess of 200 hours
I may have rethought it. (na)
I secretly (not so secretly) started asking what colour was preferred and set about creating
and giving
...all originals
...all with the person in mind in their preferred colour
Many, many random ones to unexpected people...
too many to mention...
I really don't know how many I did I am certain it was more than 85 but it could easily be over 100.
It was fun to create and gift from the heart...
I saw a huge range of emotions so I know it hit the hearts well.
I was with a friend and some new friends and this was discussed - One person exclaimed..
"Who the fuck does that? gives away art like that"
I am the fuck who does that! and I feel a lot better for it...